
Profile Picture

I'm a self-taught web developer with a degree in Electrical & Electronic Engineering. I'm passionate about creating software using clean and maintainable code.

My preferred technologies are React for the frontend and NodeJS and ExpressJS for back-end, with MongoDB as the database. I also have some experience with Jest and Enzyme for testing. I consider myself as a problem-solver and can easily learn a new language or framework if needed.

View and download my résumé here.


Momentum Clone

A clone of the chrome extension "Momentum" Created using React and webpack 3.

Demo Code
Find Coffee

A simple app to find the 20 closest coffee places nearby. Made with React and Google's Map API.

Demo Code
Event Landing Page

A landing page for an event. Used various React libraries for animation and transitions.

Demo Code
WakeCap Front-End

A front-end prototype for an IoT startup. Used Material-UI and CSS-in-JS for styling and layout.

Demo Code

Contact Me

Want to get in touch with me? Be it to request more info about myself or my experience, to talk about web development, tech, coffee, mechanical keyboards, videogames, stoicism, or anything interesting... just feel free to drop me a line anytime.

I promise to reply A.S.A.P.

Note: No spam/soliciting please, thanks :)